Канье Уэст написал поэму про «Макдоналдс»

Новый альбом Фрэнка Оушена «Blonde» поступил в продажу в магазины и к фанатам вместе с толстым иллюстрированным журналом под названием Boys Don't Cry. На 366 страницах отметились в разных жанрах друзья Оушена - AAP Rocky, Джеймс Блейк, Tyler, the Creator. Но самый большой резонанс вызвала опубликованная в журнале поэма авторства Канье Уэста. Свою «лиру» рэпер посвятил ресторанам быстрого питания «Макдоналдс». «The McDonald's Man» посвящена заведению в Калабасе, штат Калифорния, и является одой практически всем блюдам из меню:
"McDonald's man / McDonald's man / The french fries had a plan / The french fries had a plan / The salad bar and the ketchup made a band / Cus the french fries had a plan / The french fries had a plan / McDonald's man / McDonald's / I know them french fries have a plan / I know them french fries have a plan / The cheeseburger and the shakes formed a band / To overthrow the french fries plan / I always knew them french fries was evil, man / Smelling all good and s--t / I don't trust no food that smells that good man / I don't trust it / I just can't / McDonald's man / McDonald's man / McDonald's, damn / Them french fries look good tho / I knew the Diet Coke was jealous of the fries / I knew the McNuggets was jealous of the fries / Even the McRib was jealous of the fries / I could see it through his artificial meat eyes / And he only be there some of the time / Everybody was jealous of them french fries / Except for that one special guy / That smooth apple pie".
Реакция руководства «Макдоналдс» на поэму пока не известна.